Astria clusters the constellations of clover,
collecting her creations from the available sky.
She is the midnight mother, balancing
below her blanket breast over the star children,
warning against the weather of the galaxy globe below.
Now in this age of Aquarius, they fight back
against the tide, around the irises of her eyes,
the glow orbs finally combine
to form teardrop spills
releasing shine.
Gaia gathers the crystal flow, spilling softly into springs in preparation of the show.
In eternal silent twilight,
the freely-formed winter nymphs set the stage for the storm
(freeing, flying, dancing, dying).
Lighting strobe lights
to multiply illusions of the ice queen—
her maidens all align, forming flower figurines.
Frostbite freezing fingertips,
cold collision accumulating
in the art of connection.
My rose thorn nails carving into your cemented heart.
